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The Green Decision: How Parents are Prioritizing Greener Brands

March 1, 2024

2 mins

How today's parents view greener brands

Parents have a huge job. Not only do they want to give their kids the best, but they also want to consider the health of the planet their children will inherit. This thinking has moulded a new kind of shopper: the eco-conscious parent.

These parents are smart about spending because, let's face it, raising kids is expensive. But even with tight budgets, the sentiment for well-crafted products that won’t ruin the planet is stronger than ever.

But how does that translate into buying

When it comes to purchasing, it's a nuanced balance, but more and more parents are showing that it's an important part of what it means to be a good parent today.

Our research in multiple areas backs this up. When considering holiday plans, a whopping 85% of parents say they want to choose more eco-friendly holidays for their kids. This is a big deal- it shows that most parents are thinking about how their travel choices affect the planet.

And when it comes to buying products over half (55%) of the families say they're ok with spending a little more if it means they're being kinder to the earth. Those concerns are driving some of the market sentiment.

How parents are teaching their children

Part of that is demonstrating the importance of sustainability to their kids. When we investigated parents' attitudes towards EVs, 77% thought they were a great way to teach their kids about living a green life. It's part of the fabric of how to teach kids that their choices make an impact. They have to see it from the top down.

We recently acquired Close Parent, a company that's all about intelligent and eco-friendly design when producing products for parents. It’s one of their differentiating qualities that has given them such a rich history with so many parents.

Throughout the process, we’ve been able to combine that new insight with our established research, to see that it's part of the market that’s here to stay.

Not just numbers

And what’s more- it's not just about the pure numbers. Choosing to build your brand within a green framework in mind is not necessarily the move to make the most money in the short term. But in doing so, you create a wonderful alchemy that can subtly elevate your brand and make it the kind that parents want to do business with. 

Ultimately the trend to environmentalism we’ve seen across the board is backed up in lots of consumer behaviour. It's something we’re on the pulse of, with regular surveys to millions of moms in our community. 

If you’re looking for longevity for your brand, it might be time to consider making real decisions to differentiate your brand as one that parents can trust for their families.

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