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Digital Marketing

The Power of Proper Email Marketing

August 3, 2023

3 min read

Utilizing your customer data

You might be sitting on a goldmine of customer data. But how much thought have you given to how to nurture the most value from it? If you’re looking to maximise your lifetime value, proper email marketing might be the obvious avenue that yields exciting results.

That’s because email marketing is built on a brilliantly direct relationship, more so than any of your other marketing channels.  So actually leveraging your existing customer data here is an easy win to boost your results.

What is customer data?

And that customer data is the key here. It’s data that’s built up from existing customers, ones that you know are willing to buy your products and ones with more obvious potential than a new lead.

It’s crucial because with the right balance of event-based chains and intriguing content, you can guide these customers into huge brand advocates with great lifetime value. But you won’t be able to if you’re not using email correctly.

Nothing to lose - really!

You often hear ‘there’s nothing to lose’, but really there isn’t.

If you’ve got a behemoth of a list and you’re scared that lots of customers will unsubscribe straight away- they probably wouldn’t have ever converted again anyway! So be bold. Take this as the sign you’ve been waiting for to take your emails up a notch.

For most businesses, it’s best to keep it fairly simple but execute well. If you’ve got basic segmentation in place, fantastic. If not, it’s easy enough to do, just find a good platform that suits your unique goals.

Better still, you can create custom offers for your buyers journeys, especially ones based on their actions on your website.

This will build that authentic connection with your customers. Even though you’re not actively shepherding them through their customer journey, well timed email chains will make them feel engaged and valued. And with the right platform you don’t need to have the tech team of a huge corporation to leverage the tools that will bump your performance.

The existential risk of doing nothing

But ultimately the reason this is so important recently is that there are huge existential risks to not taking action on customer data. If you don’t, you’re still relying on the trickle through from lead generation. It does work, but you’re placing a huge amount of trust solely in Ad platforms that aren’t in the business of making that cheap. That kind of single-focus leaves you vulnerable to outside pressures.

Did you know that this year Digital Ad Spends across the UK have soared further than ever? It’s something we’ve seen time and time again, with Ad platforms hoiking prices up and sapping off your bottom line, because they know you need their leads.

Untying the knot... slowly!

You’re not going to undo that tide overnight, but boosting your email marketing is a surefire way to reduce that reliance and actually make use of the value you already have, sitting on a dusty hard drive somewhere.

If you’ve got customers, you’ve got customer data to explore. Why not take that chance now?

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