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Team Spotlight

Team Spotlight - Meet Alec

January 1, 2021

3 mins

Name: Alec Dobbie

Position: CEO and co-founder

Years with the company: At least as long as the company has existed (7 years and counting)

Before FanFinders, the most unusual or interesting job you’ve had…

At 20 years old, I worked in Sub-Saharan Africa as a programmer for a HR software company. I suspect that would be up there on the unusual scale.

Balancing FanFinders with family life…

I think the culture of our company makes things possible. We try to be family-first because to be frank, children are more important than work. If you have stuff to do at home, go and do it. I’ve not missed many of my kids’ awards days and have taken work calls while on holiday. Personally, I don’t see it as a work/life ‘balance’, but having the flexibility to split time up across the day.

If you could switch your job with anyone else at FanFinders…

I can’t – because I really can’t draw a stick figure – but I’d like to be able to do some of the graphic stuff. I would enjoy doing something visual.

Advice for prospective candidates…

Do something provable. If you’re an apprentice, do something external to the apprenticeship – work in a café, demonstrate that you can get on with people. Show us something that makes you stand out and that you’ve got grit.

And what to expect from our team…

Hard work and fun. We swear a little, we’re a bit irreverent and there are definitely no ties! We may not take ourselves too seriously, but we’re serious about our business. Don’t wear a tie, but be on time.

How FanFinders has changed over the years…

In lots of ways, we’re better because we understand more about our consumers. We’re clearer on how we can serve people. But, every year is a discovery – things you think you might know won’t necessarily be true a year later.

And future aims…

More people, working in a smarter way, in more places around the world. Working in different languages, with fab culture and software that works well for consumers and brands.

Favourite thing about working at FanFinders…

People. Talking to lots of smart people about interesting things.

What ‘leadership’ means…

Demonstrating that you’re willing to do what you ask of others.

Defining ‘success’…

Becoming better than you were.

You have to write a self-help book. It’s about…

Not allowing your role to define you.

Favourite line from a movie…

My name is Maximus Decimus Meridius, commander of the Armies of the North, General of the Felix Legions and loyal servant to the TRUE emperor, Marcus Aurelius. Father to a murdered son, husband to a murdered wife. And I will have my vengeance, in this life or the next.

The best bit of my favourite movie, Gladiator. My kids have never watched the film because they’re not old enough, but even they know that bit.

Best holiday spot in the world…

Bude in Cornwall.

The one meal you’d eat every day for the rest of your life…

That’s tricky – I’m torn between curry and chilli. Let’s go chicken dopiaza with onion bhajis.

The TV show/movie you’re ashamed to admit you love…

I love sci-fi and fantasy, and I’m not ashamed of that at all. I guess I’ll go with Babylon 5. I like Trek too, but that was better.

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