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HOW TO… get started with SEO

June 20, 2021

7 min read

Nothing can stop the FanFinders Guide to Marketing now – it’s a runaway train by this point. In this latest article, we explore how brands in baby and parenting can start getting the most out of SEO (hint: it’s about getting the fundamentals right).

Your first question is: how important is SEO, really? If we delve into some numbers, the answer becomes pretty clear.

68% of online experiences begin with a search engine, 92.96% of global traffic comes from Google search, Google Images, and Google Maps, and only 0.78% of Google searchers click on results from the second page.

Yet, the reality is that SEO isn’t for every business and its effectiveness varies from industry to industry.

The baby market is also a tricky one, in part because it covers such a short and rapidly evolving span.

New parents are searching for very specific topics or answers dictated by certain early life stages and it really isn’t long before their child outgrows that point. We covered why being life stage appropriate with your digital marketing is so important in a previous post.

However, for brands in the parenting sector, using SEO to attract and capture this audience is important for a couple of reasons.

Slow-burning, but effective

Firstly, it presents an opportunity to be seen as an expert in your field, centered around topics your target audience is searching for, and ultimately become a leader in your market for certain information.

There are lots of questions that new and expectant parents want answered, so it’s important to rank against whatever your customers are actively searching for – within those key life stages.

It can also be vital from a product perspective. Compared to more direct forms of advertising a new product range or collection, there are opportunities for a higher conversion rate over a longer period.

lf your business can attract people that are already searching for your products or services, then conversions will be much higher. It takes time to see results but generates huge ROI over the long term.

- Jonny Livingston, FanFinders’ SEO Manager

Wherever your potential customers are seeking out a purchase, your products are what they need to find.

If you want to step up your SEO game, here’s what you need to know:

Initial ranking

Do your keyword research to find out which questions your audience are asking and what exactly they’re searching for – then map out a content plan from there.

You can then create a landing page on a topic and create it in a logical way that Google likes, using tools such as Surfer SEO, which gives you an indication of how long the piece should be and what words to include.

It’s all about relevance. The more relevant your content is, the higher you are going to rank.

Check out the competition

To perform a competitor analysis, you want to look at which topics they are ranking on and one of the biggest ranking signals Google uses is having relevant links pointing to a website.

This is like a voting system, so the more relevant links there are to a website site, the higher they will rank.

You want to start driving traffic from some of those key places too.

Always assess how competitive the keywords or those groupings are, because sometimes going after words or phrases with high search volumes isn’t always worthwhile if it’s going to take far too much time to rank.

Get creative

You need to be thinking laterally with content. If you are a car seat brand, your key demographic aren’t only going to be searching for information on car seats, but on a multitude of topics linked to family and baby.

So what you cover doesn’t always have to be directly linked. You can be creative with content and go off in different directions, because that converted customer will remember the good experience you gave them (even at a later stage) or the knowledge they found on your website.

We covered in a previous post why providing value to parents is crucial within the loyalty journey, and it’s the same principle here: establish consumer trust and build a relationship.

Own the right tools

Having a resource like ahrefs is great for everything from for assessing competitor’s links to building content.

There are lots of strong tools out there, but ahrefs is one of the more data-driven. It will give you search volume (a score of 0-100 on how difficult a parenting keyword is to rank in) and it will also show keyword variance around a certain topic.

Don’t forget your technical health

The flip side of all this is making sure you have a good user-friendly website, laid out well and easy to navigate.

Google cares about the user experience. They not only want to give the most accurate answers to a person’s query, they want to make sure the user has a memorable experience.

Getting your house in order means being mobile friendly, fast, no pop-ups, ensuring the core vitals are all in good shape, no 404 errors and all internal links work smoothly. This is the foundation of everything.

Lastly, remember that Google performs various updates on its algorithm throughout the year which change how it ranks websites. For best practice, continually monitor what these factors are and stay well ahead of the curve.

When you put together all the above, adding in link-building and never forgetting the great content, you will be on track for SEO success.

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